DIC Corporation

Address DIC Building, 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8233, Japan
Establishment March 15, 1937
President Takashi Ikeda

Earthrise Nutritionals,LLC

Address 3333 Michelson Drive, Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92612 USA
FARM 113 E. Hoober Road, Calipatria, CA92233
Establishment 1981
President President & CEO Takaaki Ono


アースライズ ニュートリショナルズ

Features of our farm

  • Succeeded as the world’s first mass-production of spirulina for commercial use in 1977
  • All stages of production are consistently managed within our farm
  • Selection of safe, valuable, and excellent algae
  • Thorough inspection of residual agricultural chemicals (chemicals are not used to cultivate algae)

Earthrise Nutritionals

Earthrise Nutritionals, LLC is a DIC’s diversified product company, which is located in Calipatria, California. Today, their farm is the world’s largest spirulina farm (180,000 m2 in total).​ Earthrise® is the pioneer of spirulina production and research. Earthrise® provides the highest quality spirulina by culturing, filtering, dehydrating, and drying their own products. Earthrise Nutritionals selects the best quality algae from all over world, and grows them naturally without using agricultural chemicals. Earthrise® achieve international standards in their products, such as FSSC22000, ISO9001 (international standard for quality assurance), HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point), and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), through thorough quality control and management.

What is high quality spirulina

“To grow high quality spirulina, it is crucial that you select the best algae that would best fit in the climate, and be attentive to the quality of water as well. In that respect, the area where Earthrise Nutritionals produces their spirulina is top quality. Colorado River, which is their main source of water for the farm, enables them to grow high quality spirulina with rich minerals from the river. In addition, they have been researching in this field for approximately 40 years. They have created an environment that is best for spirulina through their many years of research and data.”
Phycology Professor

Dr. Ahma Belav started his research on spirulina in 1965 at a university in his motherland, Ethiopia. Upon graduating, he studied abroad in the U.K., and received his doctorate degree. After returning to Ethiopia and teaching biology at a university, he moved to California State Universty to teach. He joined Earthrise® in 1969. Upon leaving the company in 2016, he has worked in cooperation with the U.S. government, U.S. universities, and NASA and has engaged in biology research.


DIC Building, 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo 103-8233, Japan

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