Michael Jones

Michael Jones maintains his health through habitual running, yoga, weight-training, and self-control to build his body. He says, “Working as an engineer in an international company, I have a lot of international business trips. I have to focus on recovering my body while traveling during business trips. However, I need the time to exercise, so I try to run when I can find the time. I’ve taken a variety of vitamin supplements to recover, but I’ve felt that Earthrise® Spirulina Natural® is enough for me lately. I rely on it when I know my diet isn’t as balanced as I would like it to be. After learning about spirulina’s benefits, Michael now takes Earthrise® Spirulina Natural® daily.


DIC Building, 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo 103-8233, Japan

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