Jenisa Washington

Jenisa started an NPO program supporting women, “Impact Circle to provide a space for determined and strong-willed mothers, like herself, so that they can give back to the community. Jenisa says, “I try to purchase from local farmer’s and organic produce as much as possible. Of course, I want to support local farmers, but it’s also to stay healthy. I add Earthrise® spirulina when I have my smoothie in the morning or in dishes that I cook. My husband is busy traveling to different countries for work, and we go together as a family when he does. Spirulina is the best when we travel because it’s such an easy way to maintain your health. I try to walk as much as I can when I have time. I also go paddle-boarding since the beach is nearby, and I also do yoga.”


DIC Building, 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo 103-8233, Japan

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