Yuta Ishikawa

“My mother is a great cook, so I grew up eating delicious food. I’ve naturally grown to like hosting guests with food at BBQ or home parties. Although I started working at a consulting company upon graduating university, I couldn’t give up the dream to work in a food-related industry, and here I am, says Yuta. Since he values communication and sharing unique experience with people through food, he makes sure his diet is as balanced as possible. He uses spirulina in his daily life for this. Yuta says, “It’s not just important to eat, but to also be aware of how you eat. I try to be careful of the timing of my nutritional intake, so I try to take spirulina with my three meals throughout the day.


DIC Building, 7-20, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo 103-8233, Japan

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