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Sustainability Action Plan

Sustainability Action Plan

Sustainability Action Plan

ー Customer Responsibility

About Responsibility to Our Customers

ー Sustainability Action Plan

As a member of the DIC Group, DIC Healthcare is committed to the sustainability policies and action plans of the DIC Group, as well as the sustainability action plan of the DIC Color Material Products Division. Based on the themes of “safety, environment, and health,” “quality,” “business expansion in response to social issues,” “creation of new technologies and value,” “risk management,” “coexistence and social contribution,” and “human resource management,” we will work on the following sustainability action plan.

Ensuring food safety
As a company that delivers food products that are directly consumed by our customers, it is essential for us to comply with laws and regulations and conduct initiatives for safety and quality. In collaboration with DIC Corporation’s Color Material Products Division, our overseas production locations, contract manufacturers and distribution locations, we work to ensure food safety and further strengthen our initiatives on safety and quality, by selling products produced by using only raw ingredients that have been confirmed as safe through testing for contaminants (such as pesticides, heavy metals and radiation) and with measures in place to prevent food adulteration.

Customer- and market-focused business operations
As a company primarily engaged in the domain of consumer goods, we need to constantly maintain our focus on our customers and markets in our business operations. We will consistently leverage customer complaints and feedback to further improve our products and services by sincerely taking such feedback on board and endeavoring to respond swiftly and with integrity. In addition, we will work toward building a business structure that can explore customer needs from the customer’s viewpoint and both propose and deliver products that ensure high customer satisfaction.

Expansion of Product development capitalizing on originality of DIC Group
Products sold by our company come from a foundation of unique and highly original technology derived from a base raw material that derives through processes such as cultivation and extraction. Our company will strive to market differentiated and unique products developed by utilizing fundamental production technology, application development technology and the know-how of DIC’s Color Material Technology and Production Group, as well as the results of the wide variety of algae research of the entire DIC Group.

Social contributions through Spirulina
Our company, together with DIC Corporation’s Color Material Products Division, will engage in initiatives aimed at community interaction and child education. In order to foster their interest and curiosity in food, we will conduct nutrition education workshop for elementary school children, and promote the importance of nutritional intake for the elderly, thereby contributing to the prevention of frailty and the extension of healthy longevity.

Human resources management
Under the new work style, our company aims to improve labor productivity by encouraging each employee to establish self-reliance and independence. In addition, We aim to be a company where a diverse range of talent can flourish, by leveraging DIC Corporation’s training programs and other tools so that each employee can enhance their competencies and achieve their full potential in the arena that suits them best.
Sustainability Action Plan