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For Professional For Food / Blue Colorant / Liquid LINABLUE® LES2(Color value assay 28-32)

LINABLUE®  LES2(Color value assay 28-32)
LINABLUE®  LES2(Color value assay 28-32)
LINABLUE®  LES2(Color value assay 28-32)
LINABLUE®  LES2(Color value assay 28-32)

LINABLUE® is a vibrant natural blue food colorant made from phycocyanin derived from DIC Spirulina. By mixing it with red, yellow, and other colorants, you can create purple, green, and other intermediate colors.










Ice cream



Product Details

Product Name
Product Type
Blue Liquid
Color Value (10%E)
28–32 (Color value assay)
Storage Instructions
Cold Storage (1–10°C)
Food Labeling
Spirulina Extract, Spirulina Blue Colorant, Spirulina Blue, Plant Concentrate: Spirulina
Usage Examples
Frozen Desserts, Confectionery, and Multicolor Applications (Purple, Green)
Usage Restrictions
This product cannot be used for the following items (applicable in Japan only):
1. Kelp, Meat, Beans, Vegetables, Seaweed (excluding these processed products)
2. Fresh Seafood (including whale meat), Tea, Nori
For any usage restrictions, please follow the requirements set forth by the regulatory body of each country, or consult our sales contact.

Packaging unit

  • 100g Double Structure & Multilayer Bottle (100g/bottle × 40)
  • 2kg cardboard box (1kg Polyethylene Bottle ×2)
  • 5kg cardboard box (5kg Polyethylene Bottle ×1)
  • File name: lina-blue-les2_img_LES2 added image

    Studies on LINABLUE® / Safety

    1.Acute oral toxicity: LD50 NLT 30,000mg/Kg
    2.Chronic Toxicity: Neither carcinogenicity nor adverse effect was observed.

    ※ Spirulina, raw material of LINABLUE®, has been tested for safety for subacute toxicity tests, chronic toxicity tests and mutagenesis tests, etc.

    What is Spirulina?

    Spirulina is a type of algae that contains over 50 health and nutritional components, including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It is often referred to as the “king of superfoods” due to its rich nutrient profile.

    Pigment extracted from spirulina: Lina Blue® G1

    Features of LINABLUE®

  • Safe because the ingredients are extracted using water instead of organic solvents..
  • It won’t turn your tongue blue.
  • The only natural blue food coloring approved for safety and use in both the United States and Europe.
  • It has a proven track record of use in various food products, including ice cream, gum, and candy.

  • Experiment: Results of adding LINABLUE® to various drinks

    ※Add 1 drop (0.07 g) of (LES2)liquid LINABLUE® to each drink.

    Color comparison of various beverages mixed with Lina Blue®

    Even though the colors look the same initially, differences appear after adding LINABLUE®. Three main factors influence this:

    1: Slight difference in yellowish color
    2: pH
    3: Alcohol

    LINABLUE® tends to turn green at low pH.
    It also tends to turn green with alcohol. A cloudy drink may appear to have no color, but it actually has a light aqua color.

    LINABLUE® is not only blue, but can also express a variety of beautiful green colors like this.


    Frequently Asked Questions / Inquiries

    Download Materials

    【LINABLUE®】Download the document
